is "not" easy. I use to have any important documents just thrown into a binder, so they weren't laying everywhere. But lately, after surfing on Pinterest so much, I've gotten the idea of separating everything into it's on designated binder. Yay, seemed easy and well worth a shot, but is a lot more complicated than I thought it would be. I don't know what should go in what binder? Should I have just a big binder and separate each section with dividers? Does each child need their own binder? What should go in a binder and what shouldn't? I'm not the most organized person, far from it, and my mind runs like a freight train, non-stop. But, I am at least trying to get my apartment a bit more organized, since right now, my life is not in the greatest shape and once I finish school, I want to be mentally prepared for everything that will be thrown at us, while being on top of it as it happens :) There are so many links on Pinterest, Blogger, Google, etc., and of course, all the friendly advice friends have given me. I've bought quite a few 1" binders and a 3" binder.
- Up until today, I had a 1" binder for each child, but decided to take those apart and figure something else out. Now, I have a 1" binder that holds all of our birth certificates and my life insurance policies. Once I finally get on the ball and write up a will, this will go in this too, as well as any other personal documents, and then I will file it somewhere safe (I'm thinking maybe a fire-proof safe, big enough for it to fit it). So that's one binder so far.
- Two 1" binders are in progress of becoming traveling notebooks for the kiddos. More ideas found off of Pinterest. This of course is a working progress, but I'm close to being finished. I just have to add covers for each child (maybe) and finish filling them up with activities. Kai's wil be done sooner than Mimi's, mainly because I want to create some hands on games for Mimi to work on and this could take some time. Once these are done, I will definitely post a link and pictures :)
- I'm also making a binder for myself to use as we travel. It will include tabs for: Agenda/calendar, expenses for each day (food, gas, souvenirs), reservations, and maps. I haven't figured out anymore as of yet, but those are definite tabs.
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Tab area for the receipts (food, gas, souvenirs). Each day will have there own page. Still, working progress......But should be complete very soon! |
- I coupon, but not hard core coupon like some individuals I know. It would be nice if I could, but I'm lazy at times and I don't even enjoy going grocery shopping. I use to, but lately, I just go in and get out as fast as I can. But, I did buy business card sleeves to either create a coupon binder or to add a section in a family binder for coupons???!!! Not sure of the option I should go with. I don't look at the weekly grocery ads and I don't print coupons off the computer. I see ladies who carry their binders with them when they grocery shop (especially at HT during doubles/triples), but I don't know if I can make the time to be that organized. If I just add a section to my binder, when I go grocery shopping, I will just take out what I need. Yes it makes since to just "make" a coupon binder and carry it around. I just don't know which option I will go with. Ugh!!
- The 3" binder is going to be the family binder :) As far as what will go in it, I'm still up in the air about it. I've looked at Parenting with Miss Poppins blog and I Heart Organizing blog. Both have really great ideas, which are quite different. So, instead of following how someone else has created their binders, I'm going to try to attempt my own way. My main issue is deciding what needs to be in a family binder. Right now, here are my ideas:
- Monthly budget/expenses (this way I can keep track of what I have spent). I will also keep track on my computer with an excel file that will calculate everything for me :) This too is a working progress, but I'm getting it done.
- Weekly agenda or monthly calendar with appointments/activities. I think I'm going to go with the monthly calendar because honestly, I'm not going to be the one who pulls down this binder everyday. It's mainly for me to keep everything in one place and track my budget/expenses. Since school is just around the corner, I'm sure I can fine a reasonably priced calendar to fit in my binder!
- Bills??? Maybe. I get all of my bills except for one online and once it comes through, I pay it. So, this most likely will not make the cut. IDK.
- SECU accounts. Kai has a Fat Cat account with SECU and I have a savings account that has $25 in it. I opened the account with $25 and I have not put anything in it yet. Once I go back to working full-time, then it definitely will become more active. I also plan on opening a checking account with SECU, so I can have an account for my "mommy money", while my BOA account will strictly be BILLS! Not sure if I will make a tab or not for my SECU accounts. Kai was getting statements, but I turned it off now. He does have the insert to keep track of how much is deposited and when, so I'm thinking I may just put a protective sleeve in there and throw that in it, and take it out only when need be. But at the same time, if I get a fire-proof safe, this would need to go in there as well :) Just more ideas I'm coming up with.
- Health insurance and home insurance policy.
- Coupons??!! Still debating if I should do this. I have the business cards inserts, I just need to decide if it's worth it. I personally don't want to carry around a binder. I could just put them in an envelope or one of those coupon pouches (I have one, I just have to find it). But putting them in a binder once I clip them, would keep them from being everywhere and I could dedicate a time-frame to go through them to check for expiration dates. So yeah, I think I will just go for it. I have quite a few coupons, but at the same time, some of them I will never use. I refuse buy something just because I have a coupon for it to get a savings. Unless it will be used, I don't clip it or I don't store it. No need to take up space.
- Financial aid tab! Well of course...........Once I graduate, it will be time to give up a nice portion of my paycheck for my financial aid. I had a plan when I made the decision to go back to school and obviously did not follow it. By the time I graduate, I will be in at least $80,000 worth of financial aid. OUCH! I know. Yes, I'm to blame. I've taken three major trips since I went back to school and I don't regret it one bit. And, I traded my old car in for something newer and more dependable. It's my life and I will handle it. But at the same time, I still owed close to $30,000ish from undergrad. I'm not stressed over the money, not one bit. I won't let it stress me. I will however, have it paid off within 5-7 years of me graduating. I won't let it take over me :) So, I need a tab to keep track of my payments, due dates, and so forth.
- Kia Sportage (Automobile) tab. Another expense I want to have paid off before its time. Even if it means putting a huge chunk of my taxes towards it. Therefore, I need a tab to track the payments AND any maintenance (I just charged $800 to a credit card for tires and routine work. I need a place to keep all these documents).
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The excel file I am currently working on, to suit my needs. I love colorful things, but I think I'm just going to stick with one color because too many colors is driving me bonkers! |
Once I complete it the "family" binder, I will be sure to share the ideas I came up with and the ones I used off the internet.
So, as you can see, I have a plan. I just don't know where it's going to take me! Right now, I have white/black binders looking at me, with colorful dividers (and sleeves). I anxious to put something together and see how well it works for me! I know it will, I just have to do my part and keep up with everything!
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