Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Today was a good day...........

for my bank account (in the future) because I canceled two of my credit cards.  Yay!  Go me, one step ahead of the game.  The two I finally let go of were my Belks Rewards card and my Amazon card.  I haven't used the Belks card since last fall and I hardly ever use it anymore, because I can't even tell you the last time I went to the mall.  The Amazon card, I've never used.  The only reason I got it was to get a $10 credit to the store, to get Kai a gift, which was STUPID of me in the first place.  Doh!  I'm the one working on getting my credit back in line and I go off and apply for yet another credit card.  Think Leilani, Think!!!!!  Doesn't matter now, they are both CLOSED and shredded.  I guess now they have it set up where you don't talk to anyone about closing an account, but it's done automatically when you hit buttons and confirm.  Weird and a bit scary, which is why I requested a letter in the mail confirming my actions.  Hmmmm....  Well, there went two credit cards down the drain and yes, I still have a few more, which I know I won't be letting them go anytime soon.  But this is a start, among everything else :)

Good-bye Belks Rewards and amazon.com credit cards :)

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