Monday, July 2, 2012

The start of a TO-DO list :)

It's hard to believe that June is already over with.  In less than two months, the kids will be going back to school and I will be in my "hopefully" final semester at UNCW as a graduate student.  But you know, that all depends on my research, which is going extremely slow and not how I want it to go at the moment.  I am being as patient as I can be and thinking lovely thoughts of graduating in December.  But until then.........I am planning an extremely organized TO-DO list for the month of July:
  • First and foremost, continue to work on my thesis, regardless if there is a plan of me graduating in December or not.  At least I will have a good portion written, typed up and all I will need to do is edit it when the time comes.  I try to dedicate an hour or so each night to just working on my thesis and reading journals.  So far, it hasn't worked out like I wanted it too, but I'm about to step it up! 
  • There is no telling how many images (photos) I have on my computer.  I do know they take up well over 5.0 GB of my computer, which is more than enough.  Recently I've been condensing them into individual folders and deleting ones I don't really need.  Once I'm through this phase, I will be burning them to DVDs and finding a site on-line to store them for back-up.  Yes, I love taking pictures, but I have the tendency not to remove the ones I don't need or keeping images that basically look the same.  So, this is another working progress for me.  I should have this completed and done by the end of the week.  "Fingers crossed."
  • We travel, I love it.  It's not cheap, but it's fun and to me, quite relaxing and adventurous.  Until the back seat drivers put in their two cents.  So, I am working on using creative ideas off of Pinterest to keep the kiddos entertained for our next Disney trip in November.  I've bought the binders, dividers, sheet protectors, and a caddy to hold them.  I just haven't made the books up yet.  I've printed quite a few activities and will be sure to share them, once I complete them.  This is another goal for the month of July.  I also printed off a blank map of the USA, so we can mark it with the years we visit each state :)  Next year, I hope to go on a road trip either up north or towards the west coast, in which we can fill up more areas on the USA map.
  • I'm getting back into couponing, thanks to my mom for donating her coupons to me.  It's not all that thrilling and can be boring, but it can SAVE you a good chunk of money.  Especially when HT has triple coupon week :)  I will either make a binder or use an expandable folder.  I'd rather do the binder, but as of right now, I don't have sleeves to hold my coupons, while with the folder I have tabs in which I can just slide them in.  So we shall see what happens.
So here is my short TO-DO list for the month of July.  It's not a long list, but sometimes you have to start small, to get far and this is what I plan on doing.  I overwhelm myself with too much and it can be handful, so I am backing down just a tad.  I want to be as organized and prepared as I can be, so I'm going to take it in slow motion and hope for the best.

Thanks for reading and I hope you have a great day :)   

(One day I will learn how to put a signature at the bottom of my blog, but right now I'm having no luck and frankly I'm tired of researching on it)

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