I can't believe its been 4 months since I been on here to post "anything". But that's what happens with life takes over. Within these past few months, I've been busy with two core classes, crocheting children's hats, and taking care of my babies. After today, I will no longer be taking classes and I think I will be able to breathe again and let me tell you, I am ready for that moment. I still have about a year and a half left to go to just focus on my research, but at least I won't have to go home every night, trying to focus and make time to study for an exam/ or final :) I am happy to say, I'm glad to be over this part of my MS program. I've also been working on crocheting hats (http://www.facebook.com/tinytottoppers), which has been quite interesting and fun!! I've learned new patterns/stitches and it's amazing at how far I've progressed. I haven't been too busy with it lately, since I back off for about a month to mainly focus on school/the kids, but I will start back over it once break comes around. I will need to do something with the kids are sleep at night. Well I guess I will go ahead and up date you on everyone and let you know where we stand <3
Let's first start off by saying she is amazing. She has learned so much from school and Malakai, that she amazes me more and more each day. She is picking up on signs and is using them constantly. I will admit, there are times she throws up a sign and I have no idea what she is asking or telling me, but eventually, we compromise something out. She is still not talking, but trust and believe, she has her way of telling me what it is she WANTS, not need. Temperance seems to be getting taller each given day and her attitude, well, she's got one. We are still working on potty training her. There are times she goes to the potty and pretty much informs you she has to go, and once she gets settled down onto the potty, she handles her business. But there are other times she does not want to be bothered by the potty. Christmas is just around the corner and I truly believe, I will have one happy little girl. She will be getting two precious Disney babies for Christmas (Mulan/Ariel), a gorgeous Rapunzel suitcase, and a Rapunzel blanket made by Violet from Coming Up Baby (http://www.facebook.com/ComingUpBaby), from Santa. She is going to completely love LOVE love all her items. Currently we are still working on signs, but right now, nothing new. She did however get two new DVDs for Christmas, one which talks about going to the potty using signs and Kai also go one DVD. All purchased from Signing Time, so we will have so much more to share once the new year starts. Temperance has recently picked up signing: red and purple. Mainly because at least a few times a week, me and Kai play the Rainbow Song in the car and while it's playing, Kai does the signs in the backseat and if you just saw Mimi's face, it lights up as if she's inspired by everything Kai does :)
First I must say is he is going to be super smart when he gets older, if he can continue to focus and steer away from too many distractions. It's like he is taught something and never forgets it. I mean never. He remembers a lot and he's at that age in which he should be able to. I am so proud at how much he has learned these past few months at the Child Development Center. His teachers are great with him and I am so glad they are his teachers. He has been working on writing his name and is doing a great job. He pretty much knows to how write Malakai, but now I have them working on the Prince portion of his name. I have faith that Kai will succeed very far. He has met so many friends at school and I am so glad for that. Before he was never really around many people because he didn't "actually" go to school, but now, he has friends and it means a lot to me to know he has someone he can have fun with at school. As far as Kai's health, we went to the doctor a few months ago and had his thyroid levels checked and everything seems to be normal. He has gained a little bit of weight (50 pounds), which the doctor said it could be because of the amount of juice/gatorade he was taking in, so currently he is drinking more water/ or diluted drinks. He seems to be getting taller each day. Before I know it, he will be as tall as me. Oh my!!! He is suppose to be getting a hamster from Santa/Uncle Malcolm, but we shall see what happens. He's been a little "naughty" lately, and well, he needs to work on his behavior a little bit :)
Well, that about sums everyone up a bit. Hopefully, I can start back blogging here soon, once I get a little more organized with life <3
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
August Already??!!!
Yep. It is August. I can't believe how fast the Summer went. But I'm not complaining. <3
Its been a few weeks (I think), since I've updated you guys on Mimi and signing. Even though there's a lot of changes going on in my family right now, we are still working on signs and she's doing so freaking good. I love my little Mimi. Recently, I started crocheting hats. It's so much fun and I think they're pretty CUTE if you ask me. Now, just trying to get others to be interested in them too. Maybe once it gets cooler outside, sales will pick up. A girl can only hope! :)
Yesterday, $600 charged to my DCL (Disney Cruise Line) at AAA, Mimi was added to the Disney Dream Cruise, Kai and I are taking in April 2012. I figured, what the heck. There's no need of stressing over making sure she's taken care of while we are gone, she will just come too. Yay!! So between NOW and THEN, we will be hard core potty training Miss Mimi. Kai's around said he'd help. By the way, he doesn't know we are going. He will find out the day we board. Surprise!
Here's a few videos of Miss Mimi. There's not a lot to share at the moment, but when there is, I will be sure to inform you guys!
Its been a few weeks (I think), since I've updated you guys on Mimi and signing. Even though there's a lot of changes going on in my family right now, we are still working on signs and she's doing so freaking good. I love my little Mimi. Recently, I started crocheting hats. It's so much fun and I think they're pretty CUTE if you ask me. Now, just trying to get others to be interested in them too. Maybe once it gets cooler outside, sales will pick up. A girl can only hope! :)
Yesterday, $600 charged to my DCL (Disney Cruise Line) at AAA, Mimi was added to the Disney Dream Cruise, Kai and I are taking in April 2012. I figured, what the heck. There's no need of stressing over making sure she's taken care of while we are gone, she will just come too. Yay!! So between NOW and THEN, we will be hard core potty training Miss Mimi. Kai's around said he'd help. By the way, he doesn't know we are going. He will find out the day we board. Surprise!
Here's a few videos of Miss Mimi. There's not a lot to share at the moment, but when there is, I will be sure to inform you guys!
Mimi signing "kick", which watching Signing Time.
To sign "kick" you literally KICK.
Mimi showing ONE.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Crochet Beanies :)
Sometime last year, I wanted to learn how to crochet infant/toddler hats. But, I gave up. I got frustrated and there was no one to turn to for advice. This was about a year ago. Recently, I decided, I wanted to try again and if I failed this time around, I wouldn't try again. But luckly, I met a lady on the Etsy website: http://www.thelovelycrow.blogspot.com/ (here's her blog) named Elizabeth, who has so "kindly" assisted me with any questions needed. It truly made a difference in how I was feeling last year, compared to this year. So far, I've been working on making "Bulky Princess Beanies" and "Bulky Earflap Beanies." Soon, I will be looking for a different type of pattern, since Kai is going around wanting a hat too. I just haven't had time to search, with me being so busy lately. So, I wanted to share with you guys what I've done so far. If you are interested in purchasing a beanie, please feel free to email me. The prices are below. Shipping is $4 starting with the first item. Even though the pictures are set at those coloring, they colors can be changed. What I have to offer is: white, pink, ivory, cotton candy blue, and green. You decide what colors you want on the beanie and flower. They are made to order and come in various sizes. Thanks so much for taking the time to read this. :)
Newborn: $120-6 months: $14
6-12 months: $16
12-24 months: $18
2T-4T: $22
Plus shipping, if needed.
Bulky Earflap Beanie
Bulky Princess Beanie
Mimi wearing her Crochet Beanies :)
They really are just absolutely ADORABLE on children. :)
Friday, July 22, 2011
Kai Signing 1-10
My son is AMAZING. He surprises me almost every day. Yes, we butt heads "often", but I feel in my heart he is going to be a smart KID once he gets older. Learning a few signs here and there is a lot for a child to do, especially when he or she is trying to learn basic stuff to start school. For the past few days, I've been working with Kai on learning 1-10 in ASL. Mimi sees me do it almost everyday, but it's something I do NOT expect her to learn any time soon and I am not working on it with her. If we listen to one of the Signing Time songs that goes over 1-10, yes I show her the signs, but I am not sitting there adjusting her fingers to the numbers. However, Kai on the other hand, wants to learn. I was signing the numbers to Mimi the other day and I saw out the corner of my eye him moving his fingers around trying to learn. So, I moved towards him and talked him through it. It really means a lot to me to know that he wants to learn and he remembers a lot of signs I would think he would forget, since he doesn't do them as often as I do. So, I just wanted to share with you guys Kai signing 1-10. Yes, there are some errors, but hey, he's 4 and it's not the same as how he will be learning it in school.
If you notice, when doing numbers, 1-5 palm is facing you, but 6-9, the palm of your hand is facing out.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Miss Mimi
For the past few days Miss Mimi has had a slight fever and hasn't been eating. Since yesterday, she's had nasty diarrhea. Ewwww... But, it happens. So this morning, I took her to the Children's Clinic to be seen. They ran a strep test and a CBC, everything came back normal. Most likely, as the doctor says, it's just a viral infection. She's drinking liquids when she wants to, but isn't eating like her greedy self usually does. Prior to the doctor coming in, the nurse does Mimi's vitals. I politely ask her to measure Mimi's head circumference and she gladly does. It measures at 37.5 cm, which equals to approximately 14.8 inches. At the time, I didn't realize this. I did the conversion when I got to school because I was trying to figure out what size crochet had to "attempt" to make Mimi. Well, her measurements are for a newborn size crochet hat, while earlier I was looking at a much bigger size. Good thing I didn't start yet! But just the thought that Mimi's head circumference is the size of a newborn, is quite depressing. I guess I don't really think about it, until I ask questions like the above, and it sinks in. But, the size doesn't matter, right?!!!
Last year I started learning how to crochet. I got frustrated and gave up after I couldn't successfully make a circle. I was teaching myself from information online and the lovely YouTube. This time around, I'm NOT giving up. I have bought a patter from Etsy, and purchased the yarn, and will be crocheting my heart out this evening. Hopefully, I can get some of it done. Once it's completed, whenever that is, I will be sure to prop it on Miss Mimi's head and show you the final work.
I most likely won't be posting on the Blog that much about signs in the next few weeks, only because I'm busy working on my comprehensive exam for my MS, which is dues August 15, 2011. I get super nervous when I am in front of people, so I know I will be working on this day in and day out, especially when it gets closer. Tonight I will be sitting in front of the TV, watching Signing Time (well listening), as I "attempt" to work on this new pattern. I want to write down all the signs they go over in each DVD we have, so I can have a list of what Mimi is being shown. :)
If you guys didn't already know. Mimi signed Eat on her own the other day. I was so PROUD of her. She kept crying and I didn't know why, so I asked her, what's wrong? And she tapped at her mouth several times, which is the sign for Eat. If you know signs, you know that when you sign Eat, you close your fingers on top of your thumb and tap at your lips several times. However, Miss Mimi taps at her mouth with her whole hand. I'm not sure if she's just not getting the concept, or if she's just rushing. She does the same thing when signing More. Instead of using the hands closed on top of each other, she claps for More. It's a working process, but it's going pretty well if you ask me.
Because..........the other day I was just playing around with Mimi and asked her to sign Outside, and she did. A sign that she just recently learned the other day. Then I asked her to do it again, and she spoke it. I am so Proud of her. She is really learning and that's all that matters.
A new sign I will be working on for myself and Miss Mimi is: Picture (photo). The lady who does Mimi's and Kai's pictures every once in a while suggested I work with Mimi by using signs, to see how she does come August when it's Picture time. It's worth a shot! So, we shall see how it goes. Yay!
Thanks for reading.........
Kai and Mimi enjoying playing Michael Jackson: The Experience on the Wii. |
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Signing EAT
Yesterday, Mimi surprised me by signing Eat without asking. She was very whiny and I didn't understand why. So I go, Mimi what's wrong? And she surprised me by signing Eat. I know she knows what it is, but to ask her what's wrong and she just do it, surprised me and made me one Proud Mommy! So, we went on to McDonald's and enjoyed a lunch together. :)
Here is a video of her signing Eat. She's just precious!!!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Willy Wonka Birthday Party
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Kai about to go on his first (and only at the moment), plane ride to NY. Less than a year old. |
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Kai turns 1. We celebrated by going to see Sesame Street Live. |
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Kai's 1st Thanksgiving, 2006. |
And he just keeps growing, 2011. |
He is turning into such an Amazing young boy. He does his best to help with Mimi. She couldn't ask for a better brother. He comforts her at night, helps feed her, show her signs, and also...........annoys her, pulls on her, jumps on her, etc. He's her Big brother. :) This year, he has decided he wants an "Oompa Loopma Birthday Party." Ummmmm, not sure about that. So, I suggested, a "Willy Wonka Birthday Party" and it went over pretty well. Technically it's the same thing, I guess. But, I don't feel like painting him orange and dying his hair GREEN! Right now I am still thinking of "festivities" for the party, which is mind boggling at times. Right now the party is set to be held at the apartment. Yep! The two bedroom apartment. And now that I "think" about it, it has to be held here because the invitations states our address as the party destination. So, the apartment it is. One activity I do know we will be having is an Easter Egg Hunt. Well of course. Someone has to find the Golden Egg. So I know.......this will be fun. Another one, is guess the number of Gobstoppers in the jar (or whatever I decided to put them in). After that, I haven't figured anything out. I have been thinking over either pin the hat on Willy Wonka or pin the Oompa Loompa on the picture of a Chocolate Factory. Oh and for those of you who don't know already. The party is based on the Old version with Gene Wilder.
I went to Cross Creek mall a few weeks ago back in Fayetteville, and they have a Willy Wonka candy machine. It's actually exciting. Pretty freaking pricey for a few pieces of candy, but so worth doing it at least once. I don't have pictures of the machine itself, but I did take a snapshot of the container the candy came in. I am trying to figure out how to incorporate it into the party. (which apparently is on my phone, so will add later).
So.............there are 15 lucky individuals who will receive Willy Wonka invitations to help celebrate Kai's 5th birthday on September 10. I have to thank Mrs. Marlene Villar for her talent and work in making the invitations. I absolutely love them and once Kai "actually" sees them in person, he's going to be ecstatic. Since the invitation is basically a candy bar, I may possibly let Kai hand deliver them to his "friends" and "family." :) Then I have Mrs. Cindy who will be making Kai a Willy Wonka candy bar cake. Yay! And as always, I know it will be delicious and yummy! And finally, Mrs. Violet who will "hopefully" me creating Kai a Willy Wonka 5th birthday shirt of some kind. I just know this is going to be a birthday Kai will not forget. It's truly going to be fun!! Come on September!!
Willy Wonka candy wrapper and the Golden ticket. |
Semi-closer look at the Golden ticket. |
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
A BEAUTIFUL Daughter She Is...
For the past few weeks, it's just been me and Mimi. Kai has had the pleasure of visiting Grammie back in Hope Mills. I'm sure he's enjoyed playing in the pool and running in the front yard. Compared to being cooped up in our little apartment. As I sit here on the couch, I think about how blessed I am to have both of them in my lives. Yes!! Its been stressful and too much for me to handle lately and there are times I just want to give up, but I continue to move forward. I'm even more blessed that Mimi seems to be progressing and learning something NEW almost every day. It's a slow process, but I truly believe she will continue to improve. There are so many other families who have children with Microcephaly with other health conditions. While at the moment, all Mimi suffers from is "Microcephaly." This is something we are truly Thankful for. Even though she is not saying words at the moment and she is three years of age and 2 months, her babbling and communication has increased so much over the past few weeks. It's amazing and mommy is truly impressed. :)
She however has lately picked up a few bad habits from brother Kai, so....she has been getting in trouble here a lot lately. But, she knows when she's doing wrong. Most times I think it's just because she wants more attention. Go figure! Mimi is a pure-out Drama Queen. Working on signs with her is a challenge. There are times she wants to learn and seems to get it, but there are the times she just does NOT care. It takes time and patience; something you must have with a 3 year old plus.....a child with Microcephaly. Something I continue to work on with her is, when she wants something she just yelps at me. If it's something out the fridge, I will open it and allow her to show me, then I will sign whatever it is: juice, milk, cookie, fruit, etc. My main goal here is to get her from STOP whining about what she wants and show me or express to me what she wants. It's a process and there are times it seems long and dddrrraaaggggggged out, but we will get to the end of the RAINBOW eventually. Mimi is no dummy. She's got a lot of support and people rooting for her. She will, GO FAR!!!
A few months back, Mimi was some what introduced to the potty. Yeah, introduced and that's about it. Well here lately, I've been sitting her own the potty, allowing her to read her "Abby Goes to the Potty" book which has sound effects. Yay!! She loves it and it's a winner almost every time. We of course have had several accidents, something I already expect and don't plan on NOT occurring anytime soon. She's special needs. She has NO clue on how to take herself to the potty. The step "we" are trying to reach is for her to inform someone she has to go. That's a plus in the making. One thing she has the tendency to do is sit on the potty and when no one is looking, get up, find a blanket, and let all her business out there. Not good Mimi. So, this is something we are trying to avoid. I do NOT want pee-pee blankets. She knows the sign for potty, so whenever I sit her on it, I sign potty, and most of the time she does too. This here is still a working progress.
Now Mimi in general. She is her own UNIQUE-self. Fun to be around, friendly, loving in all ways. She's one Awesome girl and I LOVE her to pieces. I couldn't ask for a better daughter. There are times me and Miss Mimi butt heads, oh YES we do. But we always work things out in the end. She's my little Mimi Monster and I love her to pieces!!
Disney Hot Air Balloon (2011) |
Not happy baby! |
Just the "three" of US. |
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Video of Mimi Signing
Getting prouder and prouder with Mimi each day!
Here is a video of her signing Baby!
I was having issues uploading it the other day, so here it is:
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Signing BABY
Here is Mimi signing Baby. I honestly think this is one of her favorite signs because any time I ask her to do it, she has this HUGE smile on her face.
For the past few weeks, it's just been me and Mimi. Kai has been visiting Grammie back in Hope Mills, while Mimi has been here in Wilmington with me. Of course I've been in school during the day, but afterwards, it's just been the two of us. Today, we "attempted" to have a girls afternoon out. It really didn't go all that great. Well, nothing went wrong. We just didn't accomplish much. But we did spend time together and that was more than enough. Mimi's first set of DVDs came in the mail today. She was super excited when we opened the box. The set came with a CD of some of the Signing Time CDs. So my iTouch connection in the car has been replaced with the Signing Time CD. At least I have something to learn on the way to school. Mimi carried the CD case around during our entire "date". She refused to put it down. At least I can tell she's happy about the new movies. The DVD set came with 4 DVDs, but right now we are just going to focus on two. The first one we watched was "Going Outside". Some of the signs we are learning include: outside, flowers (which we already knew), grass, sun, and many more. The second one we started on consisted of the different seasons. We aren't really paying attention to it at the moment, just listening to it. Mimi is too young to understand the different seasons, so it's not a must at the moment. So, I'm sure in a few minutes, I will be putting the "Going Outside" DVD back in. Well, that's about it for today. Thank you all for taking the time to read up on little Miss Mimi.
Bath Time |
Loving up on Louis from The Princess and the Frog!! saa |
Back to SQUARE One........
So, apparently the ASL-101 class is full for the Fall semester. Yes, I will admit, I was a bit disappointed, but at the same time, maybe a little relieved. I don't know. I still have my back up plan of taking courses online, so I may go ahead and start one, once I see how my school load will be in August. Until then, I will continue to practice my daily signs out of my pocket dictionary and watch Signing Time videos with Mimi. I just ordered Vol. 1-3, Series Two of Signing Time. So, she has a total of 7 DVDs on there way. I know Miss Mimi is going to be super happy once they arrive. Kai will be too. Especially since these are new DVDs in which they haven't seen yet.
Not much to report on at the moment. But I will continue to keep every posted on my progress. Once I get the time, I will post what I've learned so far. Which is a lot, if you ask me. :)
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
I can do this.......and I WILL DO IT!!!
I guess you can say, after 24 hours of "some-what" thinking, I made up the decision to go ahead and sign up for ASL-101 at UNCW. Well, lets rewind. I emailed the teacher a few weeks ago about wanting to take the course, but wasn't sure if I could since I'm a graduate student and already completed my language requirement. Well, never heard back from her and TODAY, I got an email from her stating she'd been out of town and was catching up on emails, and did not see why it would be an issue. I went around talking to several people to be sure and make sure it wouldn't cost me an arm and a leg, and it won't, since I am "already" taking classes in the Fall. As of right now though, I'm not signed up for it, since it's not available to add to my course load. Fingers crossed it won't be an issue. Now, fast forward. I decided to go ahead and do it now since #1, I'm already at UNCW and they have it available to take it, so, why not? #2, it's a course that has NOTHING to do with Chemistry, so it shouldn't be "too" much for me to handle. #3, I will HAVE to go to class and there will be no slacking on my end. So as of right now, I am going to sign up and take ASL-101 in the Fall. I'm kind of EXCITED about this. At least I will have some what of a fresh start once the course starts. I have NO idea what to expect, but we shall see. So, that's the news of the day!! :)
Monday, July 4, 2011
Teaching Signs in the FUTURE
So I have decided, I am going to learn ASL, not only to help me better communicate with Mimi, but to hopefully be able to teach in the future to families who could benefit from it. I'm looking into taking courses online, since many of you know already, I am working on my MS in Chemistry and that's already enough for one person to handle. Trying to take courses at a school, would most likely be "overload" on my part. However, I won't begin the courses until either end of December or January. Mainly because I am still taking classes at UNCW for the graduate program and right now, that's my main focus. I've dedicated almost a year to the graduate program and I just can't let anything else get in the way. But until I take the courses, which there are 4 on the site I am looking at, I will be teaching myself (and of course Mimi and Kai). I went to Barnes and Nobles the other day and purchased: The Pocket Dictionary of Signing by Rod R. Butterworth and Mickey Flodin. It gives more than 600 signs of ASL and a few phrases. Gives me time to practice, so once I do start the courses in a few months, I won't be as lost. Also, I ordered Mimi, Signing Time DVDs, Series Two, Vol. 4-7. I will be ordering Vol. 1-3 in the next few days, if it's still available at a reasonable price on Amazon or Ebay. Vol. 4-7 focuses on the different seasons, going outside, sports, and the days of the week. Something Mimi has NO clue about, but I got a great deal. I really want Vol. 1-3, since it focuses on how to communicate with individuals when you meet them, birthdays, and moving your body phrases (dancing, walking, jumping, etc.).
With my hectic schedule, I admit, it's hard to fit in teaching myself ASL or even sitting down with Mimi. But I am going to work very hard on making it a priority everyday, for at least an hour a day. There's so much I can teach myself and Mimi in just an hour. Well, mainly me. It takes a great amount of time with Mimi, but all she needs is repetition and assistance, and I know she will get the hang of it all. What I would like to do is eventually teach ASL (not the whole ASL, because Lord knows, I probably will never get that far) to families who can benefit by using it to communicate with the children, whether they have special needs or not. Most importantly, I hope it will better help myself and Mimi, communicate a lot better, since at the moment, she's still not talking, but trust and believe, she gets her point out.
This week, I am working on teaching myself the manual alphabet. I know it pretty well, but there are times I get caught up and have no idea what I am doing with my fingers. It looks easy, but you have to be able to learn it well enough so the person reading it "knows" what you are attempting to spell to them. Eventually, I should be able to do the whole alphabet at a pretty steady speed, but right now, I am slowly taking my time. I am working on words in the book to fingerspell, since just knowing the alphabet from A to Z is not enough. You should know what sign "F" is right away, without thinking about it for 10 seconds. So, this is my working progress for the week. Also, learning the numbers and a few phrases. Hopefully by the end of the week, I have this down pretty well. I don't expect myself to go as fast as those who have been doing ASL for years, but feeling comfortable showing someone else is good enough. Also, I will gradually work on words in The Pocket Dictionary of Signing in which I feel Mimi can benefit from at the moment, while reviewing those she has already been introduced to.
So, this week is going to be an ADVENTURE of learning, if you ask me! :) And I'm READY!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Mommy's "Signing" Goal
So, my "GOAL" is to learn FIVE new words through Sign Language each week. I was going to set myself at learning two each day, but felt that would be pushing it, especially since I'm so behind as we speak. I figured I would choose words in which I use with Mimi on a regular basis and gradually teach her. I think this will be a fun and interesting learning experience in itself. So we will see how it goes. Each week, my goal is to post the new set of words to learn that week and briefly go over how the other set went. So, we will see how it goes.
This week (6-20-2011) words are:
This week (6-20-2011) words are:
- Balloon
- Brother
- Hair
- Love
- Pillow
Monday, June 13, 2011
10 on Monday
1. Well, it's SAD to say I just "realized" I haven't BLOGGED in about two months. I have to admit, I am NOT much a blogger, even though I try. Plus, April wasn't that great of a month and once May came, I was SLAMMED with preparing for Mimi's 3rd birthday, Disney (of course), and starting summer session teaching Organic Chemistry.
2. Teaching Organic Chemistry has been an experience in its self and didn't expect to say this, but I LOVED it!! I really enjoyed these past four weeks. Now I don't know how the students felt about me as a teacher, I will find this out once SPOTS are completed, but it was a joy to teach this past summer session.
3. I'm "itching" terribly to go back to Vegas. Don't know if it will happen any time soon, but this momma wants to go NOW.
4. As each and every day passes, Kai finds a way to get to the last nerve that exists within me. I don't know if it's my patience or tolerance, but me and Kai are butting heads a lot here lately. Hopefully, between now and "OUR" trip to the Bahamas, he gets a grip with his behavior.
5. I met this "GREAT" guy. Ha! Well, I've known him for some time, but well.....that's all that needs to be spoken of, so we will just have to see what happens. :)
6. Signing with Mimi hasn't gone like I want it to, but we are trying. I know it's mainly my fault, but I can only do some much as one person. School, mothering, learning new things.....it takes a lot out of me.
7. My new car, which I got in January is about to hit 10,000 miles. I'm a little disappointed in it, but it happens. Especially when I have to be out and about all the time. I'm not liking the 20mph average that keeps popping up on my odometer, so I think I will be sitting her out on the next trip to FL.
8. If you know me, you know I have two lip piercings. I'm thinking of removing the top one. I'm just not feeling it anymore.
9. I'm stretching my bottom holes in my ears. Right now I'm at an 8G. I think I'm only going to go up to a 6G, nothing more. I don't want anything extremely big.
10. And I'm finally at TEN. Hmmm......Me and the kiddos are going to enjoy the summer out on the patio, where there is a slide and water table for them to enjoy, while I just enjoy the fresh air.........
Almost Summer
Over the past few months, I have dealt with more than I could possibly deal with, as ONE person. But, as each day passes, I find a way to get through each moment. It's finally June. All I can say is WOW! On May 18, my little Temperance Porter turned 3. We celebrated her birthday at Disney and I have to say, I think she really enjoyed herself. This was a SPECIAL trip. Not only were we celebrating her 3rd birthday, this was my nephew Keon's first time going. I truly feel like he had a freaking BLAST!
I completed my second semester as a graduate student at UNCW, but unfortunately I have to complete two more courses in the Fall. But, I will handle my business. It must be done and trust and believe, I am going to DO IT! I won't lie, there are times I want to completely give up. I mean seriously, what was I thinking when I decided to go back to school with two children who need my guidance? But I am here now, and I must find a way to stay focused. Now that summer session has started at UNCW. I get the pleasure of teaching Organic Chemistry Lab and I am actually enjoying it. Yay me..............
The school year is pretty much over for Kai. He didn't go to the Tot Spot every day, but did have the pleasure of going twice a week from 9-1. I am GLAD I put him in it this year, he absolutely LOVED it. This Fall, both of the kiddos will be attending school. They are growing up so fast. I know Mimi is going to enjoy herself, especially since she is always cooped up in the apartment. I know Mimi will be going to the CDC, but won't find out about Kai until the summer time, since I applied for the More at 4 program for here. Fingers crossed he gets in or I have "no" idea on what I am going to do, but I am sure mommy will figure something out.
So what's planned for the Summer??
Let's start off with ME first, since my summer is pretty much shot to hell with school. I will be working on my research, which I LOVE, it's just going really slow and I am getting frustrated with doing it seems like nothing. On top of that, assisting my mom on clearing out her house--> there right here could take months up to a year, so not sure exactly how much of that will actually get done. Oh I almost forgot, I have to work on my Comprehensive Exam/Presentation that has to be presented to my committee by mid-August. Not looking forward to that and also, catching up on Organic Chemistry so I can go at it once again in the Fall.
Now the kiddos. Well, Mimi is still needing therapy, so we may be taking a few trips to the park during the week, so she work on climbing, sliding, and just plan out being a KID. We haven't done signs lately and you can tell is slacking because she's starting to just do a "random" sign to get what she wants or just NOT do them at all. I admit, it's quite time consuming, especially with an already loaded plate. But, somehow or another, we have to get back into it. Me and Mimi will be working on coloring, getting her to "feed" herself a little better. Oh and the big one, using the potty, since she seems to be comfortable taking her diaper/pull-up with no regard. On to Kai. Less video games/movies and more READING. We have a huge collection of books and he needs to get into them more. I don't expect him to read, but we can read together. He's been working on writing his name for fun, but he doesn't exactly know what letter is what. So, that's something we will work on. Hopefully we will work on swimming lessons, for our Disney cruise next year (another blog on that in the future).
Well, that about sums it up on what's going on in my little family.
I completed my second semester as a graduate student at UNCW, but unfortunately I have to complete two more courses in the Fall. But, I will handle my business. It must be done and trust and believe, I am going to DO IT! I won't lie, there are times I want to completely give up. I mean seriously, what was I thinking when I decided to go back to school with two children who need my guidance? But I am here now, and I must find a way to stay focused. Now that summer session has started at UNCW. I get the pleasure of teaching Organic Chemistry Lab and I am actually enjoying it. Yay me..............
The school year is pretty much over for Kai. He didn't go to the Tot Spot every day, but did have the pleasure of going twice a week from 9-1. I am GLAD I put him in it this year, he absolutely LOVED it. This Fall, both of the kiddos will be attending school. They are growing up so fast. I know Mimi is going to enjoy herself, especially since she is always cooped up in the apartment. I know Mimi will be going to the CDC, but won't find out about Kai until the summer time, since I applied for the More at 4 program for here. Fingers crossed he gets in or I have "no" idea on what I am going to do, but I am sure mommy will figure something out.
So what's planned for the Summer??
Let's start off with ME first, since my summer is pretty much shot to hell with school. I will be working on my research, which I LOVE, it's just going really slow and I am getting frustrated with doing it seems like nothing. On top of that, assisting my mom on clearing out her house--> there right here could take months up to a year, so not sure exactly how much of that will actually get done. Oh I almost forgot, I have to work on my Comprehensive Exam/Presentation that has to be presented to my committee by mid-August. Not looking forward to that and also, catching up on Organic Chemistry so I can go at it once again in the Fall.
Now the kiddos. Well, Mimi is still needing therapy, so we may be taking a few trips to the park during the week, so she work on climbing, sliding, and just plan out being a KID. We haven't done signs lately and you can tell is slacking because she's starting to just do a "random" sign to get what she wants or just NOT do them at all. I admit, it's quite time consuming, especially with an already loaded plate. But, somehow or another, we have to get back into it. Me and Mimi will be working on coloring, getting her to "feed" herself a little better. Oh and the big one, using the potty, since she seems to be comfortable taking her diaper/pull-up with no regard. On to Kai. Less video games/movies and more READING. We have a huge collection of books and he needs to get into them more. I don't expect him to read, but we can read together. He's been working on writing his name for fun, but he doesn't exactly know what letter is what. So, that's something we will work on. Hopefully we will work on swimming lessons, for our Disney cruise next year (another blog on that in the future).
Monday, April 18, 2011
10 on Monday
1. Mimi will be 3 years old, a month from today. WOW!! I cannot believe this. As I was driving on campus this morning, it all of a sudden popped in my head: my baby girl is growing up so fast. Time does fly by so fast. We won't be having a birthday party for her this year, since we are going to Disney for her birthday, but "Imaginary Friends Bakery" will be making a Princess and the Frog cake for her. Thanks Cindy and we can't wait.
2. In three weeks, Kai, Keon, Mimi, Grammie, and I will be hitting I-95S to Disney. As each and every day goes by, I am in need of this trip more than anything. I am so ready to PIG-out on food at Epcot. We will be staying at the Caribbean Beach Resort for 4 nights. The room is a pirate theme, so I know the boys will enjoy it. The goal is to see Tiana and Rapunzel when we go to Magic Kingdom. Hopefully, it happens this time around.
3. In three days, I will be going out of town for a few days, for a mini-vacation. Hopefully this mini-vacation includes a trip to Busch Gardens, as long as the weather cooperates. Fingers crossed. I've been looking forward to this trip for some time, so hopefully it will be fun or I will make the best of it.
4. The semester will be over in less than three weeks. Wow!! So much to finish up, but I am ready for the semester to be OVER. I will be teaching Organic Chemistry in the fall, CHM-211. I am looking forward to it, but at the same time, I am super nervous. But, I will get through it.
5. "I tear my heart open, I sew myself shut. My weakness is, I care too much. And my scars remind me, that the past is real. I tear my heart open, just to feel." (Scars-Papa Roach). I have always loved this song, but lately I think its been on REPEAT for the longest. But whatever gets me through the day.
6. I "hate" FB.
7. I honestly can't think of anything else to say about me and what's going on with me and my kiddos, that I don't mind sharing. Urgh.... Let me figure out three more things.
8. Today has already been a long day, but it's now 12:15p, so less than 4 hours until my night class. And then Jelly Beans at 7p, with "friends" to go skating. I am a whole new person when I am skating. I don't think about anything. Well, I do think about the fact that I don't want to fall or run into the little person that just cut me off.
9. My new favorite alcoholic beverage is Pineapple Upside Down Cake. Hoping to have a few in the next few days, but it just depends on my mood.
10. And finally to 10. I need to paint my finger and toe nails, but not sure if I will do that today or tomorrow. Oh well. If I get to it, then I will do it.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
~ Life as it is ~
April has barely started and it seems like nothing is going right for me. Between personal issues and school, I am officially burnt-out, exhausted, and stressed. But "this too shall pass" and everything will eventually go back to normal, it always does. I guess I will briefly go over what's going on in my everyday life, progress with Mimi, and the lovely "attitude" Kai has developed over the past few months.
I guess it will be best to start off with the kiddos:
Took Mimi to UNC Healthcare Friday, April 8, 2011, to see her Geneticist. It actually went pretty good. Her Geneticist is very impressed with Mimi's progress. She was actually surprised at how much Mimi has progressed with walking, communicating, socializing with unfamiliar individuals, etc. Of course in her eyes, Mimi will most likely never be "normal", but that's perfectly fine too. It's just another adjustment to my daily life. Then, she thought it was nice to mention the fact that Mimi's head is the size of a three month old. Which is true, but I guess something's I prefer "not" to hear. But since she last saw her about 18 months ago, her head circumference has grown, so that's a plus. Her head (brain) size will never be the normal size, but at least it's growing. She went on into details about some other stuff, but honestly, I think it went in one ear and out the other, because it was a little confusing.
Yesterday (Monday, April 11, 2011), went to Mimi's last transition meeting from IEP to Pre-K and she will be going to the CDC. I am happy about that. I did not want her going to Howe and the other school was way off of Military Cutoff and personally, that's just out of my way. So starting in August, Mimi will be going to school for the first time. I am so happy for my "Mimi Monster". They provide transportation to our home, so that will help out a lot.
There are a lot of goals they have set for Mimi, but figured we'd go ahead and work on them before she starts school in August. Mimi has trouble walking steadily. She tends to walk/run at the same time. So, that's one main issue to work on. Also, when she goes down a slide, she tends to fall back. So, I'm in the process of either finding a slide or "cheap" playground with a slide attached to it, to have at my mom's, since I am trying to convince her to keep them some throughout the summer, so I can focus on my research. Fingers crossed. She still can't seem to feed herself very good. Well, she can, but it's more as if she picks over her food with her fingers, versus using a fork/spoon. Another goal is for me to let her pick out what she wants to drink, instead of just giving it to her. This will possibly help with her communication. As of right now when she wants something to drink, she falls out in front of the fridge, until I either giver her something to drink or make her sign thirsty.
Her signing is going ok. We haven't really worked on it much, but will hopefully get back into very soon. Especially with my semester being almost over. But she's doing very good with the ones she know. So all is well with little Miss Mimi.
Where to start with the oldest child. He has become a pain in the neck lately. His attitude has gotten worse and I don't know why. He seems to do good at school, so hopefully when he starts school in August too, (not sure where) things will get better. He'll be in school everyday, instead of just twice a day for a few hours.
Kai did have an appointment in Raleigh, NC a few weeks ago to have his thyroid levels checked and they were a little off, so his dosage was increased from 44MCG to 50MCG. His levels will be rechecked locally in 4 weeks. Hopefully, the increase will calm him down.
Kai tries to help a lot, but I think his definition of "helping" is not the definition I have. Instead of helping, he tends to get in the way. His new thing is, "I'm mad at you mommy", "I don't love you mommy", "I want to go to my daddy's", or "You just don't understand." There's a lot more sayings, but honestly I don't remember them all.
He's recently learned how to skate, which he seems to love. I got him his own pair a few weeks ago, but he wants roller blades. I told him if he learns how to skate in the regular skates, then in September for his birthday, we will upgrade. So we will see how that goes.
Life has been rough, but I have dealt with it the best I can. Yay!! I've never been good at making decisions or making the right choices. I really suck at this, so I guess it's something I need to work on. I say that now, but will it ever happen? IDK. Being that I've been dealing with a lot of personal problems, I've kept to myself lately and will probably be doing it for sometime. It's just how I deal at times and it's one of those times. But as each passing day goes by, I get better, but I seem to block more and more people out of my life. But that's how my life goes and I'm ok with that, for the moment.
When times get tough, I find an escape route. So, I think I'm getting a new piercing tonight. :)
Friday, April 1, 2011
10 on Saturday
Yes, I am aware that it is 12:30 at night, but when you can't sleep because of your over-driven mind and are in a shitty mood, you get up and catch up on more important things. Well, that's what I am assuming.
1. Took Kai to see his Pediatric Endocronologist this past Wednesday and his levels were borderline, so they have increased his dosage from 44MCG to 50MCG. Hopefully this will help a little bit with his out of control(ness).
2. Mimi goes and see her Geneticist on Friday, this will be an interesting trip, since she hardly goes to the doctor. So, it's time to catch up and see what the next step is. Hopefully, no needles involved.
3. I'm in the process of studying for my 3rd Industrial and Polymers test. Fearing that I may have to wing it, because my brain can't stay on track. But I am devoting myself to quite some hours tomorrow once I wake up, to studying, so hopefully it helps.
4. I'm realizing my heart is too big for some people to handle now-a-days and I have no idea how that happened. But, whatever.
5. In a month and seven days, I will be heading down to Orlando, for our Disney vacation to celebrate Mimi's 3rd birthday. Oh how the time flies...............
6. Luckily, I am making progress with my graduate research. Hopefully I get a lot done this week with it too.
7. My iTouch is my saving grace when my brain is scattered and my heart can't handle the "stress". Just hit PLAY and SHUFFLE, and let it do its thing. I eventually drift off into a new world. Yeah....Which usually lasts for "not that long", but I will take it.
8. I got Kai some roller skates last week and now he won't stop asking me when I will take him skating. Hopefully once I get through this exam next Wednesday, we will hit the skating rink. Oh how I love skating!!
9. Sometimes you just need to BREATHE.............
10. I am still trying to finish reading "Bringing Adam Home". Hopefully I will complete it one of these days.
1. Took Kai to see his Pediatric Endocronologist this past Wednesday and his levels were borderline, so they have increased his dosage from 44MCG to 50MCG. Hopefully this will help a little bit with his out of control(ness).
2. Mimi goes and see her Geneticist on Friday, this will be an interesting trip, since she hardly goes to the doctor. So, it's time to catch up and see what the next step is. Hopefully, no needles involved.
3. I'm in the process of studying for my 3rd Industrial and Polymers test. Fearing that I may have to wing it, because my brain can't stay on track. But I am devoting myself to quite some hours tomorrow once I wake up, to studying, so hopefully it helps.
4. I'm realizing my heart is too big for some people to handle now-a-days and I have no idea how that happened. But, whatever.
5. In a month and seven days, I will be heading down to Orlando, for our Disney vacation to celebrate Mimi's 3rd birthday. Oh how the time flies...............
6. Luckily, I am making progress with my graduate research. Hopefully I get a lot done this week with it too.
7. My iTouch is my saving grace when my brain is scattered and my heart can't handle the "stress". Just hit PLAY and SHUFFLE, and let it do its thing. I eventually drift off into a new world. Yeah....Which usually lasts for "not that long", but I will take it.
8. I got Kai some roller skates last week and now he won't stop asking me when I will take him skating. Hopefully once I get through this exam next Wednesday, we will hit the skating rink. Oh how I love skating!!
9. Sometimes you just need to BREATHE.............
10. I am still trying to finish reading "Bringing Adam Home". Hopefully I will complete it one of these days.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
10 on Saturday
So, I am stealing this "idea" from a WM friend, who stole it from another blog. :) I am busy with school, bringing up two kiddos, and "attempting" to have some type of social life, because oh how I need one. Hopefully, if it plans out right, I will post 10 interesting facts (couldn't think of a better word) about what's going on in my life on SATURDAY. I'm thinking I may have to program this to my calendar, to "remind" me, because I am sure eventually I will forget. Oops!!
- Lately Kai has become a nightmare. He's saying comments he should NOT be saying to me when he gets upset and showing gestures with his hands, that he did NOT learn from any of the signing videos we've been watching. I know a lot of his bad behavior has to do with me hardly being home and once I'm there, he's wanting all of my attention, but something's got to give. He's been very winey (?) lately and throwing major tantrums and totally ignoring what I say. So this has been a nightmare lately, that just has not ended. Plump :(
- Mimi has been needy lately. Waking up every few hours, just to get in bed (or the couch) beside me. It's ok some night, but every night, not so much. I love our cuddle time, but I prefer it be at a different hour and not 3 in the morning, when I have to be up at 6ish or so.
- As I type, I am in Greensboro. I will be seeing Prince in concert this evening. I am STOKED. I haven't seen him since 2004. I think it's time for me to enjoy myself and party like it's 1999. We will be in the VIP section (yes, I charged this to one of my many credit cards), section A, row 1. I am hoping we are pretty dang on close.
- School is becoming a hand full. This usually happens when it gets close to the end of the semester. But I know I will get through it, I always do. Currently, I am working on my presentation on Cymbalta, that's due this coming up Monday.
- I have so much to look forward to in the next couple of weeks, that it's so hard to stay focused. But I must get a grip to reality and be patient and WAIT.
- Apparently, there's a big chance I will be teaching one of the Organic Chemistry labs this summer, to help prepare myself for round 2 of Advanced Organic Chemistry. I am super nervous, but come April, I will be watching several videos to prepare myself, so I am not looking like a fool in a class full of undergraduates.
- Kai will be getting his thyroid levels check next Wednesday, this occurs very 4 months for his hypothyroidism. Mimi will be going to see her Geneticist on April 8; which I am glad for, since we haven't seen her since 2009.
- I need to find a way to STOP using my credit cards. I was good at one point, but then I gave in. Whomp!
- Currently, my favorite song is "Jar of Hearts" by Christina Perri.
- And my dang on "J" key on my laptop keeps getting stuck. wth?!!!
Thanks for reading. Hopefully, when I get a "free" moment, I will post a video of Mimi signing yes and apple. She was a little fussy, she wanted my iTouch, so the videos are a little here and there with her lovely behavior. :)
Monday, March 21, 2011
A Month Later...............WOW!!
Oh my goodness. Where did the time GO???? It's been a "month" since I've posted. I know I've been swamped with life and school, but did not realize I hadn't posted a single blog since February. Oops. So, here's a breakdown on what's been going on in "everyone's" life..............
Lately, Miss Mimi has been fairly cranky. She has NOT wanted to sleep through the night and when she wakes up in the middle of the night, she thinks it's ok to stay up for an hour or so, either crying, babbling, or climbing all over myself or her brother. In my opinion, it seems like she's getting taller by the day. Before you know it, she's going to be caught up with her brother. Today, she had a mini-evaluation for her transition at the age 3, to start school, etc. It went pretty well. She interacted fairly well with one of the OT interns and we were given three options for her to attend school. Right now, I am leaning more towards the CDC, so hopefully, they will allow her to go there. I'm not super stoked with the fact that she will most likely be placed in a "special needs" class, versus a class that's 50:50, but I guess it's something I have to live with. I understand she's "special needs" but feel she would do better around other children who aren't considered "special needs", but it's all good. :)
I haven't had the chance to work on signs with her like I've wanted to, mainly because I've been too busy trying not to burn myself out at school, but apparently my dad and Kai have been helping her. She's been working on thirsty; instead of sliding her finger down her throat, she rubs at her whole face. I'm working on if she wants something to drink or she's thirsty, she has to show me. She can fuss and cry all she wants, but she will not get it until she signs it, which she's been doing very well. She's also signing apple; which instead of bending your finger into your cheek and rotating, she's pinching at it and turning it. Which is good. I know what it is and she's making progress. Another one is yes; she does that one very well. Of course her brother taught her how to sign no, but I'm trying to divert her from that one. All and all, she's doing good and she knows quite a handful of signs, and we are so PROUD of her.
Lately, he's been a hand to handle. He's not been listening or he's been doing the total opposite of what I ask. It's actually about to drive me off the wall at times. I know a lot of it has to do with the fact that I am at school all day, but this child just is not listening. I know he doesn't see me most of the day, but jumping on mommy like I am a bouncy adventure or what not, has to give. My poor body can only take so much.
He's doing really good with his signing too. It helps a lot, since he uses them with Mimi. To be honest, I think he knows more than I do. :( But that's ok. He learns a lot and seems to NOT forget anything.
Just the other day, he started citing the Pledge of Allegiance. I didn't even know he knew what that was. He learns so much at school and tells me so little.
He has his More at 4 evaluation on Wednesday, so we will see how that goes. Hopefully good, because I really want him in school. I think it will do him so good. If he doesn't qualify, I will be finding something for him. I know he wants to go to school more than two days a week. Being stuck at home all day can be tiresome for a 4 year old, this I understand.
I have so much on my plate at the moment, but I am making it work. Yeah for me!!! If it has to be done, it will be done. In the next couple of weeks, months, and even days. I have so much to look forward to and trust and believe, I am super STOKED!!! Let me get through the next couple of weeks, and I think I will be even more excited. Right now, I am happier than I have been in a very long time and hoping the happiness does not go away, but no one can predict the future, right?!!
Well, this is just a little update on what's going on in my world.............
Signing shirts I had made by "Coming up Baby"
Malakai & Mimi
Love them!!!
Monday, February 21, 2011
Progress with Mimi
It's been some time since I've gotten on here, but Mimi is still working on her signs. It's such a great experience, especially since she is remembering a lot of them lately. Today, I was talking to Kai actually, asking him a few signs (food items) and was very impressed at how he knew ALL of the ones I asked him. I think he's going to be a great help with Mimi. Sad to say we are still working on the same DVD sets, mainly because I've been swamped with school and busy trying to keep the house in one piece. I've been working on learning the alphabet, which some letters to me is a challenge, but I'm getting through it. For some reason, my left hand doesn't do well with signing. My fingers don't want to act right. Weird!!!
Another challenge I'm trying to work on with Mimi is for her to "let go" of sucking her thumb. It's not like I can bribe Mimi. She is NOT phased by bribery. She wants it and right now, there's no way of taking it away. Any suggestions would be great appreciative.
Sorry I don't have more to report, but hopefully after this coming week of exams, I will.
Here she's signing "SIGNING", "POTTY" (something she refuses to do, but signs it all the time), and "Thank You" of course.
Another challenge I'm trying to work on with Mimi is for her to "let go" of sucking her thumb. It's not like I can bribe Mimi. She is NOT phased by bribery. She wants it and right now, there's no way of taking it away. Any suggestions would be great appreciative.
Sorry I don't have more to report, but hopefully after this coming week of exams, I will.
Mimi growing up so fast (February 20, 2011)
Here she's signing "SIGNING", "POTTY" (something she refuses to do, but signs it all the time), and "Thank You" of course.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Everyday Signs with Mimi
This week I have started a new set of words with Mimi. She of course does NOT completely know the words mentioned previously all the way, but I will continue to work with her on those as well. So, now we are going to focus on "everyday" signs, which include foods, things you do, see, and experience each day. We most likely will be working on this for a few weeks, since I personally have a lot going on at school and won't be able to dedicate as much time with her on these words as I would like. Also, I'm in the process of learning the complete alphabet in American Sign Language, etc.
To start off, here are a few words in which we have started on recently: apple, cookie, cracker, want, cheese, and many more.............................
Since I have been so busy studying for an exam and have been on campus most of the week, it was interesting to come home and Kai goes, "Look mommy, this is cookie?" Of course I had NO clue what it was, since I haven't been watching the show, but he was so RIGHT. I am so proud of him, wanting to learn also. It seems to into it, it's just AMAZING how much Kai picks up and actually remembers.
"Signing Time" has a small version of what they offer on the DVDs as an APP on the iTouch, so wouldn't you know, I downloaded it. :) Mimi happened to be there when I downloaded the mini-version, that was free, and well, didn't offer much, but about a 10 second clip. She heard the music and went crazy!! Then got mad when I took it back, so I can download the actually APP. Now, I have "Signing Time" on my iTouch, which I believe has 6 full-length songs. She's going to ENJOY it. I'm sure Kai will too.
This week, we will continue to work with Mimi on the NEWest words, and hopefully, she will be still long enough to record her doing some of the signs. Until next time, thanks for taking the time to read "Signing with Mimi."
"Signing Time" has a small version of what they offer on the DVDs as an APP on the iTouch, so wouldn't you know, I downloaded it. :) Mimi happened to be there when I downloaded the mini-version, that was free, and well, didn't offer much, but about a 10 second clip. She heard the music and went crazy!! Then got mad when I took it back, so I can download the actually APP. Now, I have "Signing Time" on my iTouch, which I believe has 6 full-length songs. She's going to ENJOY it. I'm sure Kai will too.
This week, we will continue to work with Mimi on the NEWest words, and hopefully, she will be still long enough to record her doing some of the signs. Until next time, thanks for taking the time to read "Signing with Mimi."
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Starting Baby Sign Language with Mimi
For the past year, maybe longer (not sure), Mimi has been learning baby sign language with her therapists. During Mimi's sessions, they use signs to communicate with her. Of course she doesn't know many and can't recite them back to you, but she does "understand" a lot and is making progress in using them. I will admit, it's still hard for me to use them when I'm talking with her (the ones I know), but it's a learning process, that I'm going to attempt to stay on track with. The basic signs she learned in the beginning were: more, NO, eat, and sit. She understands all four of the basic words she started off with, but can't actually recite it back. One therapist gave up on using the word more, and started using please. She recognizes both, or it seems she does, but would rather show please, than more. Which is fine. Please is better than nothing.
This past week, we (Mimi, Kai, and myself) started watching "Signing Time: Playtime Signs" Volume 2. The DVD goes over "playtime" words to communicate with your child. Even though Mimi isn't an infant (9 months or so), I still feel using sign language with her will possibly make both of our lives a bit easier, especially when it comes to communication. So with this DVD, we learned the following terms: play, friends, share, please, thank you, your turn, my turn, no, yes, stop, go, hurt, wait, sorry, potty, thirsty, drink, book, read, bath, grandpa, grandma, bike, train, bear, etc. Some of these words she has heard before in therapy, but it was quite a learning lesson for myself. Out of the above words, Mimi can do drink, please, thank you, and drink. She doesn't do it exactly the way it's shown, but I know what she's trying to do, and that's what matters the most.
Mimi recognizes the word bath, but not the sign. When I say, "are you ready to go take a bath Mimi?" She darts to the bathroom. If you ask her to sit, most of the time she will listen, unless she's been stubborn. She recognizes please and thank you, which she is signing. Yeah!! She definitely understands NO! But that doesn't mean she always listens. But like I've mentioned before, this is a learning experience for me and her.
These DVDs are great! Unfortunately I can't afford them, but who knows, I may decide to get some in the future, depending on the progress, since Kai enjoys them too. This week, we will continue to go over the "playtime" words and a few extras I'm learning from a book. :)
Mimi signing book and thank you! 1-30-2011
Kai showing Mimi bear. 1-30-2011
Temperance Maleia
As most of you know, or may not, my daughter Temperance Maleia "Mimi" is special needs. She was born with Microcephaly, a neurodevelopment disorder in which the circumference of the head is more than two standard deviations smaller than the average for the person's age and sex. Basically, the size of her brain (and head), was about 1/4 the size it should be at birth. She was born on May 18, 2008 at 37 weeks, but measuring between 29-31 weeks, approximately. I noticed about 3 weeks before I was induced, that I didn't seem like I was getting much bigger, since when I had my son, I was huge. Not so much with her. They measured me and noticed she was not the size she should be. Within a few days, I saw a Perinatologist, and the decision was made to go ahead and induce me at 37 weeks. When she was born, she weighed in at 5 lbs and 3oz. She was 17 3/4 inches in lengths, with a head circumference of 10 1/2 in. As expected, her head size was smaller than normal and they wanted to do a MRI to see what was going on inside her brain. We were scheduled for an MRI within a few weeks, but when we got there after waiting for several hours, the doctor declined the testing, because technically since she was so delayed in growth, she still wasn't "fit" to undergo an MRI, since she would have to be sedated. Something which should of been known, before the MRI was scheduled, but oh well!! Finally, February 2009, she got in for the MRI and it was confirmed Mimi was Microcephalic. Next thing I knew, we were up in Chapel Hill visiting the Neurologist and Geneticist, which in my opinion really didn't get me too far. We still don't know how she developed Microcephaly, but I have my own opinions on that. Spring of 2009 (before Mimi's 1st birthday), I believe, Mimi started Physical Therapy, once a week. Followed by Occupational Therapy, once a week. Mimi didn't start to crawl until she was around 16-18 months, didn't walk until after 2, and even though she's walking now, she doesn't have the best stability when it comes to walking. She walks/runs together.
Mimi will be 3 in less than 4 months. She does not talk, even though she does babble and YELL at times. She can say "mama" and "dada", but as far as if she knows what she's actually saying, it's still unclear. Currently she has PT every other week for a day, OT once a week, Speech Therapy once a week, and Play Therapy once a week. All the ladies who work with her are GREAT and I love them for all they have done for Mimi over the years. You can still progress, which is good!! Since Mimi is not talking, even though she does find ways to communicate, I've decided, I'm going to dedicate my time to working on sign language with her. Her therapists work with her during the week and from the little bit I know so far, I think it will help her so much, when it comes to communication, since no ones knows when and if she will be able to talk normally. My goal is to become Certified in Sign Language, in the future. Not sure when and how, since I am a full-time student, raising two kids on my own, with the help of my dad. But this is something I want to do and will find the resources to make it happen. Plus, if it helps me communicate with my daughter, I'm all for it.
Mimi has a 4 year old brother Kai, who she absolutely loves and he will be learning signs too, since he talks with her all day, every day, of course. This blog is basically to help me keep track of signing with Mimi and to share our experiences. I hope to post at least twice a week about progress, with pictures and/or video. This is something that will be a learning experience for both myself and Mimi, including her brother and whoever else.
This is the life of Mimi growing up as a special needs child, with love and support from her family. Regardless, she has us, always and forever. Let's go!!!!
Mimi will be 3 in less than 4 months. She does not talk, even though she does babble and YELL at times. She can say "mama" and "dada", but as far as if she knows what she's actually saying, it's still unclear. Currently she has PT every other week for a day, OT once a week, Speech Therapy once a week, and Play Therapy once a week. All the ladies who work with her are GREAT and I love them for all they have done for Mimi over the years. You can still progress, which is good!! Since Mimi is not talking, even though she does find ways to communicate, I've decided, I'm going to dedicate my time to working on sign language with her. Her therapists work with her during the week and from the little bit I know so far, I think it will help her so much, when it comes to communication, since no ones knows when and if she will be able to talk normally. My goal is to become Certified in Sign Language, in the future. Not sure when and how, since I am a full-time student, raising two kids on my own, with the help of my dad. But this is something I want to do and will find the resources to make it happen. Plus, if it helps me communicate with my daughter, I'm all for it.
Mimi has a 4 year old brother Kai, who she absolutely loves and he will be learning signs too, since he talks with her all day, every day, of course. This blog is basically to help me keep track of signing with Mimi and to share our experiences. I hope to post at least twice a week about progress, with pictures and/or video. This is something that will be a learning experience for both myself and Mimi, including her brother and whoever else.
This is the life of Mimi growing up as a special needs child, with love and support from her family. Regardless, she has us, always and forever. Let's go!!!!
5/19/2008 (day after Mimi was born. Kai finally meets her)
5/21/2008 (Mimi finally comes home, after having to stay at the hospital an extra night)
12/2010 (Kai and Mimi, getting ready to go to Magic Kingdom)
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