Monday, March 21, 2011

A Month Later...............WOW!!

Oh my goodness.  Where did the time GO????  It's been a "month" since I've posted.  I know I've been swamped with life and school, but did not realize I hadn't posted a single blog since February.  Oops.  So, here's a breakdown on what's been going on in "everyone's" life..............

Lately, Miss Mimi has been fairly cranky.  She has NOT wanted to sleep through the night and when she wakes up in the middle of the night, she thinks it's ok to stay up for an hour or so, either crying, babbling, or climbing all over myself or her brother.  In my opinion, it seems like she's getting taller by the day.  Before you know it, she's going to be caught up with her brother.  Today, she had a mini-evaluation for her transition at the age 3, to start school, etc.  It went pretty well.  She interacted fairly well with one of the OT interns and we were given three options for her to attend school.  Right now, I am leaning more towards the CDC, so hopefully, they will allow her to go there.  I'm not super stoked with the fact that she will most likely be placed in a "special needs" class, versus a class that's 50:50, but I guess it's something I have to live with.  I understand she's "special needs" but feel she would do better around other children who aren't considered "special needs", but it's all good.  :)
I haven't had the chance to work on signs with her like I've wanted to, mainly because I've been too busy trying not to burn myself out at school, but apparently my dad and Kai have been helping her.  She's been working on thirsty; instead of sliding her finger down her throat, she rubs at her whole face.  I'm working on if she wants something to drink or she's thirsty, she has to show me.  She can fuss and cry all she wants, but she will not get it until she signs it, which she's been doing very well.  She's also signing apple; which instead of bending your finger into your cheek and rotating, she's pinching at it and turning it.  Which is good.  I know what it is and she's making progress.  Another one is yes; she does that one very well.  Of course her brother taught her how to sign no, but I'm trying to divert her from that one.  All and all, she's doing good and she knows quite a handful of signs, and we are so PROUD of her.  

Lately, he's been a hand to handle.  He's not been listening or he's been doing the total opposite of what I ask.  It's actually about to drive me off the wall at times.  I know a lot of it has to do with the fact that I am at school all day, but this child just is not listening.  I know he doesn't see me most of the day, but jumping on mommy like I am a bouncy adventure or what not, has to give.  My poor body can only take so much.  
He's doing really good with his signing too.  It helps a lot, since he uses them with Mimi.  To be honest, I think he knows more than I do.  :(  But that's ok.  He learns a lot and seems to NOT forget anything.  
Just the other day, he started citing the Pledge of Allegiance.  I didn't even know he knew what that was.  He learns so much at school and tells me so little.
He has his More at 4 evaluation on Wednesday, so we will see how that goes.  Hopefully good, because I really want him in school.  I think it will do him so good.  If he doesn't qualify, I will be finding something for him.  I know he wants to go to school more than two days a week.  Being stuck at home all day can be tiresome for a 4 year old, this I understand.

I have so much on my plate at the moment, but I am making it work.  Yeah for me!!!  If it has to be done, it will be done.  In the next couple of weeks, months, and even days.  I have so much to look forward to and trust and believe, I am super STOKED!!!  Let me get through the next couple of weeks, and I think I will be even more excited.  Right now, I am happier than I have been in a very long time and hoping the happiness does not go away, but no one can predict the future, right?!!

Well, this is just a little update on what's going on in my world.............

Signing shirts I had made by "Coming up Baby"
Malakai   & Mimi
Love them!!!

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