Tuesday, July 5, 2011

I can do this.......and I WILL DO IT!!!

I guess you can say, after 24 hours of "some-what" thinking, I made up the decision to go ahead and sign up for ASL-101 at UNCW.  Well, lets rewind.  I emailed the teacher a few weeks ago about wanting to take the course, but wasn't sure if I could since I'm a graduate student and already completed my language requirement.  Well, never heard back from her and TODAY, I got an email from her stating she'd been out of town and was catching up on emails, and did not see why it would be an issue.  I went around talking to several people to be sure and make sure it wouldn't cost me an arm and a leg, and it won't, since I am "already" taking classes in the Fall.  As of right now though, I'm not signed up for it, since it's not available to add to my course load.  Fingers crossed it won't be an issue.  Now, fast forward.  I decided to go ahead and do it now since #1, I'm already at UNCW and they have it available to take it, so, why not?  #2, it's a course that has NOTHING to do with Chemistry, so it shouldn't be "too" much for me to handle.  #3, I will HAVE to go to class and there will be no slacking on my end.  So as of right now, I am going to sign up and take ASL-101 in the Fall.  I'm kind of EXCITED about this.  At least I will have some what of a fresh start once the course starts.  I have NO idea what to expect, but we shall see.  So, that's the news of the day!!  :)

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