Sunday, February 5, 2012

Family of 3

I've decided to change the name of this blog from "Signing with Mimi" to Family of 3, mainly because I couldn't get myself motivated to blog about each new sign that Mimi was learning and felt, Family of 3, suited us best.  We shall see!!!  No matter how much I would love to blow on a regular basis, it seems life gets the best of me and I don't ever get the chance to; this is something I am going to attempt to work on :)  So first, I just want to give everyone an update on what's going on in my little household.

I am happy to say, I have completed all my credits for the graduate program at UNCW.  I am now just focusing on my research (which is going very slow at the moment, but that's another story).  My goal is to be done with everything by May 2013, so I can finally get a BIG girl job again.  I haven't decided exactly where I want to go or what I actually want to do once I graduate, but figured I'd get through the summer, see where my research is, and start making some hardcore decisions.  School and caring for two children has been challenging these past few months and haven't been crocheting as much as I was, but I am perfectly fine with that.  Sometimes you just need a break to get yourself together, before you move forward.  Tiny Tot Toppers is something I enjoy being part of, it gives me the chance to share my creativity.  My goal is to get it back up and running here in the next few months.  I have tons of goals/planning ahead of me.  My main one at the moment is getting the apartment completely organized, if it means buying tons of organizing shelves and putting baskets inside of them :)  My apartment just needs to be changed up a bit and it's all in the works.  Yay!  I am also currently preparing myself for Mimi's 4th birthday, which will be arriving in three more months on May 18.  It's crazy how times flies, but it's approaching and I will be prepared for that weekend.  I have made the decision to do most of the birthday preparation and will be glad to share with everyone else once I do so.  I'm  currently working on the birthday invitations, which in my opinion, don't look to bad.  I'm hoping to be able to complete a few DIY tasks this coming year with the help of Pinterest and my creative mind.  Well, that's about it for me, now onto Mr. Malakai.

Oh Kai, he seems to be growing an inch by the day.  Before I know it, he's going to be my height and then taller than me.  He is growing up so fast, but obviously, this is something that must happen.  He's been in Pre-K for about a 6 months and is asking everyday when he will start Kindergarten.  I think he keeps bringing it up because it's something different/new for him.  He seems to learn something new everyday and I couldn't be more proud.  Of course, he still has some behavior issues, but he's working on them.  I feel like it's for attention, but who knows.  The one thing I can say about Kai is he loves spending time with his sister and helping her the best he can.  Temperance couldn't ask for a better BIG brother :)

Miss Mimi is coming along just fine.  She's doing fantastic in school and is able to match two pictures together in class.  We are still working on her being potty trained, but it's just not happening.  It comes and goes, but her time will come.  For the longest, she continued to eat her meals with her fingers, pushing her fork or spoon to the side, but here lately, she's been holding onto her fork and actually using it.  Yay for progress!!  She's still not saying many words, but still continues to use some signs.  In my opinion, something is better than nothing.  All and all, she is making progress and that's what we want to see :)

So as you can see, my little family of three is doing just great!!  We tend to live each day to the best of our ability and enjoy the most of it.  In the next few weeks, me and the kiddos will begin to work on more crafts, while I "attempt" some DIY tasks.  I'm super stoked to try something NEW and see becomes of it, so be sure to check us out <3

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