For the past few days Miss Mimi has had a slight fever and hasn't been eating. Since yesterday, she's had nasty diarrhea. Ewwww... But, it happens. So this morning, I took her to the Children's Clinic to be seen. They ran a strep test and a CBC, everything came back normal. Most likely, as the doctor says, it's just a viral infection. She's drinking liquids when she wants to, but isn't eating like her greedy self usually does. Prior to the doctor coming in, the nurse does Mimi's vitals. I politely ask her to measure Mimi's head circumference and she gladly does. It measures at 37.5 cm, which equals to approximately 14.8 inches. At the time, I didn't realize this. I did the conversion when I got to school because I was trying to figure out what size crochet had to "attempt" to make Mimi. Well, her measurements are for a newborn size crochet hat, while earlier I was looking at a much bigger size. Good thing I didn't start yet! But just the thought that Mimi's head circumference is the size of a newborn, is quite depressing. I guess I don't really think about it, until I ask questions like the above, and it sinks in. But, the size doesn't matter, right?!!!
Last year I started learning how to crochet. I got frustrated and gave up after I couldn't successfully make a circle. I was teaching myself from information online and the lovely YouTube. This time around, I'm NOT giving up. I have bought a patter from Etsy, and purchased the yarn, and will be crocheting my heart out this evening. Hopefully, I can get some of it done. Once it's completed, whenever that is, I will be sure to prop it on Miss Mimi's head and show you the final work.
I most likely won't be posting on the Blog that much about signs in the next few weeks, only because I'm busy working on my comprehensive exam for my MS, which is dues August 15, 2011. I get super nervous when I am in front of people, so I know I will be working on this day in and day out, especially when it gets closer. Tonight I will be sitting in front of the TV, watching Signing Time (well listening), as I "attempt" to work on this new pattern. I want to write down all the signs they go over in each DVD we have, so I can have a list of what Mimi is being shown. :)
If you guys didn't already know. Mimi signed Eat on her own the other day. I was so PROUD of her. She kept crying and I didn't know why, so I asked her, what's wrong? And she tapped at her mouth several times, which is the sign for Eat. If you know signs, you know that when you sign Eat, you close your fingers on top of your thumb and tap at your lips several times. However, Miss Mimi taps at her mouth with her whole hand. I'm not sure if she's just not getting the concept, or if she's just rushing. She does the same thing when signing More. Instead of using the hands closed on top of each other, she claps for More. It's a working process, but it's going pretty well if you ask me.
Because..........the other day I was just playing around with Mimi and asked her to sign Outside, and she did. A sign that she just recently learned the other day. Then I asked her to do it again, and she spoke it. I am so Proud of her. She is really learning and that's all that matters.
A new sign I will be working on for myself and Miss Mimi is: Picture (photo). The lady who does Mimi's and Kai's pictures every once in a while suggested I work with Mimi by using signs, to see how she does come August when it's Picture time. It's worth a shot! So, we shall see how it goes. Yay!
Thanks for reading.........
Kai and Mimi enjoying playing Michael Jackson: The Experience on the Wii. |