Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Mommy's "Signing" Goal

So, my "GOAL" is to learn FIVE new words through Sign Language each week.  I was going to set myself at learning two each day, but felt that would be pushing it, especially since I'm so behind as we speak.  I figured I would choose words in which I use with Mimi on a regular basis and gradually teach her.  I think this will be a fun and interesting learning experience in itself.  So we will see how it goes.  Each week, my goal is to post the new set of words to learn that week and briefly go over how the other set went.  So, we will see how it goes.

This week (6-20-2011) words are:

  • Balloon
  • Brother
  • Hair
  • Love
  • Pillow

Monday, June 13, 2011

10 on Monday

1.  Well, it's SAD to say I just "realized" I haven't BLOGGED in about two months.  I have to admit, I am NOT much a blogger, even though I try.  Plus, April wasn't that great of a month and once May came, I was SLAMMED with preparing for Mimi's 3rd birthday, Disney (of course), and starting summer session teaching Organic Chemistry.

2.  Teaching Organic Chemistry has been an experience in its self and didn't expect to say this, but I LOVED it!!  I really enjoyed these past four weeks.  Now I don't know how the students felt about me as a teacher, I will find this out once SPOTS are completed, but it was a joy to teach this past summer session.

3.  I'm "itching" terribly to go back to Vegas.  Don't know if it will happen any time soon, but this momma wants to go NOW.

4.  As each and every day passes, Kai finds a way to get to the last nerve that exists within me.  I don't know if it's my patience or tolerance, but me and Kai are butting heads a lot here lately.  Hopefully, between now and "OUR" trip to the Bahamas, he gets a grip with his behavior.

5.  I met this "GREAT" guy.  Ha!  Well, I've known him for some time, but well.....that's all that needs to be spoken of, so we will just have to see what happens.  :)

6.  Signing with Mimi hasn't gone like I want it to, but we are trying.  I know it's mainly my fault, but I can only do some much as one person.  School, mothering, learning new things.....it takes a lot out of me.  

7.  My new car, which I got in January is about to hit 10,000 miles.  I'm a little disappointed in it, but it happens.  Especially when I have to be out and about all the time.  I'm not liking the 20mph average that keeps popping up on my odometer, so I think I will be sitting her out on the next trip to FL.

8.  If you know me, you know I have two lip piercings.  I'm thinking of removing the top one.  I'm just not feeling it anymore.

9.  I'm stretching my bottom holes in my ears.  Right now I'm at an 8G.  I think I'm only going to go up to a 6G, nothing more.  I don't want anything extremely big.

10.  And I'm finally at TEN.  Hmmm......Me and the kiddos are going to enjoy the summer out on the patio, where there is a slide and water table for them to enjoy, while I just enjoy the fresh air.........

Almost Summer

Over the past few months, I have dealt with more than I could possibly deal with, as ONE person.  But, as each day passes, I find a way to get through each moment.  It's finally June.  All I can say is WOW!  On May 18, my little Temperance Porter turned 3.  We celebrated her birthday at Disney and I have to say, I think she really enjoyed herself.  This was a SPECIAL trip.  Not only were we celebrating her 3rd birthday, this was my nephew Keon's first time going.  I truly feel like he had a freaking BLAST!

I completed my second semester as a graduate student at UNCW, but unfortunately I have to complete two more courses in the Fall.  But, I will handle my business.  It must be done and trust and believe, I am going to DO IT!  I won't lie, there are times I want to completely give up.  I mean seriously, what was I thinking when I decided to go back to school with two children who need my guidance?  But I am here now, and I must find a way to stay focused.  Now that summer session has started at UNCW.  I get the pleasure of teaching Organic Chemistry Lab and I am actually enjoying it.  Yay me..............

The school year is pretty much over for Kai.  He didn't go to the Tot Spot every day, but did have the pleasure of going twice a week from 9-1.  I am GLAD I put him in it this year, he absolutely LOVED it.  This Fall, both of the kiddos will be attending school.  They are growing up so fast.  I know Mimi is going to enjoy herself, especially since she is always cooped up in the apartment.  I know Mimi will be going to the CDC, but won't find out about Kai until the summer time, since I applied for the More at 4 program for here.  Fingers crossed he gets in or I have "no" idea on what I am going to do, but I am sure mommy will figure something out.

So what's planned for the Summer??
Let's start off with ME first, since my summer is pretty much shot to hell with school.  I will be working on my research, which I LOVE, it's just going really slow and I am getting frustrated with doing it seems like nothing.  On top of that, assisting my mom on clearing out her house--> there right here could take months up to a year, so not sure exactly how much of that will actually get done.  Oh I almost forgot, I have to work on my Comprehensive Exam/Presentation that has to be presented to my committee by mid-August.  Not looking forward to that and also, catching up on Organic Chemistry so I can go at it once again in the Fall.

Now the kiddos.  Well, Mimi is still needing therapy, so we may be taking a few trips to the park during the week, so she work on climbing, sliding, and just plan out being a KID.  We haven't done signs lately and you can tell is slacking because she's starting to just do a "random" sign to get what she wants or just NOT do them at all.  I admit, it's quite time consuming, especially with an already loaded plate.  But, somehow or another, we have to get back into it.  Me and Mimi will be working on coloring, getting her to "feed" herself a little better.  Oh and the big one, using the potty, since she seems to be comfortable taking her diaper/pull-up with no regard.  On to Kai.  Less video games/movies and more READING.  We have a huge collection of books and he needs to get into them more.  I don't expect him to read, but we can read together.  He's been working on writing his name for fun, but he doesn't exactly know what letter is what.  So, that's something we will work on.  Hopefully we will work on swimming lessons, for our Disney cruise next year (another blog on that in the future).

Well, that about sums it up on what's going on in my little family.