For the past year, maybe longer (not sure), Mimi has been learning baby sign language with her therapists. During Mimi's sessions, they use signs to communicate with her. Of course she doesn't know many and can't recite them back to you, but she does "understand" a lot and is making progress in using them. I will admit, it's still hard for me to use them when I'm talking with her (the ones I know), but it's a learning process, that I'm going to attempt to stay on track with. The basic signs she learned in the beginning were: more, NO, eat, and sit. She understands all four of the basic words she started off with, but can't actually recite it back. One therapist gave up on using the word more, and started using please. She recognizes both, or it seems she does, but would rather show please, than more. Which is fine. Please is better than nothing.
This past week, we (Mimi, Kai, and myself) started watching "Signing Time: Playtime Signs" Volume 2. The DVD goes over "playtime" words to communicate with your child. Even though Mimi isn't an infant (9 months or so), I still feel using sign language with her will possibly make both of our lives a bit easier, especially when it comes to communication. So with this DVD, we learned the following terms: play, friends, share, please, thank you, your turn, my turn, no, yes, stop, go, hurt, wait, sorry, potty, thirsty, drink, book, read, bath, grandpa, grandma, bike, train, bear, etc. Some of these words she has heard before in therapy, but it was quite a learning lesson for myself. Out of the above words, Mimi can do drink, please, thank you, and drink. She doesn't do it exactly the way it's shown, but I know what she's trying to do, and that's what matters the most.
Mimi recognizes the word bath, but not the sign. When I say, "are you ready to go take a bath Mimi?" She darts to the bathroom. If you ask her to sit, most of the time she will listen, unless she's been stubborn. She recognizes please and thank you, which she is signing. Yeah!! She definitely understands NO! But that doesn't mean she always listens. But like I've mentioned before, this is a learning experience for me and her.
These DVDs are great! Unfortunately I can't afford them, but who knows, I may decide to get some in the future, depending on the progress, since Kai enjoys them too. This week, we will continue to go over the "playtime" words and a few extras I'm learning from a book. :)
Mimi signing book and thank you! 1-30-2011
Kai showing Mimi bear. 1-30-2011